

If I had a nickel for every time they've asked for a story, I'd be...well, I'd probably be a homeless vagrant, telling stories for my supper and sleeping by the side of the road. But I'd have a whole bag of nickels to beat off any attackers who came my way. In the mean time, I'm wracking my brains to come up with new and exciting tales to distract my daughter while I comb out her tangles, entertain my son while his sister is at school, and generally pass the time on those long car trips. Here's what I've got so far. Come on in, find a comfortable seat, and feel free to chime in whenever. This is a circle, and we're always looking for more storytellers.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Musings of a middle aged bear

Kids these days. They aren't afraid of anything, and it's the worst thing that ever happened to them. Children need a little fear in their lives. It makes them careful. It makes them respectful. It keeps them in line. The way things are going now, they just run any which way and do any old thing they want. Now it's up to us olduns to be afraid. Afraid of what the little brats are going to do next.

Take that little blond snippet.

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